Am keeping the lead. 
In the search of my soul mate.
Come rain, come shine.
I will be on the quest.
Untill at rest,
gaining my goal is my goal.
Getting to loose heart, ins't me,
showing the white flag, isn't me.

I will approach and re-approach,
asking for her tender touch,
asking for her hand in marriage,
asking for her heart to keep down,
untill at rest.
When I will see the white flag,
I will blow my trumpets.

I want to bee seeing her everyday, 
when I wake up at crack of dawn
and let her learn by heart,
every love song of beautiful birds,
singing for their own.
Taken away from their home.

My beautiful angel to be,
the only one I look up to,
come lend me a hand, 
come let us be one.
My weakness, keep it dark.
My sweetness, take it all.
Show me the white flag.
Let me be the bearer.
Look down on lads flowers.
Am standing up for you
and they are getting upset,
as bitter as gall,
As am getting as happy as a king.

I will never give up asking,
Asking for my heart desire.
Too desirous of winning her heart,
a beautiful heart every lad is after.
Please keep me on the lead
and keep them at bay far away. 
Never let them close to my heart


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